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Klaus schulze torent downlod

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Actually, I do quite a lot of reading currently, as I now have the time for it! After a while I then also started making music again but did not really think of ‘Dune‘ anymore. I started to read the books again and even rewatched the film by David Lynch. But suddenly - about 40 years later - I heard of plans regarding a ‘Dune‘ remake by Denis Villeneuve – which totally unexpected hit a spot with me. After the following film versions -not really satisfying in my view- the ‘Dune‘ theme was not in my focus anymore and was forgotten for a long time. And with the track ‘Frank Herbert‘ from my previous album ‘X‘ I wanted to show respect to the great author. I asked Arthur (Brown) and Wolfgang (Tiepold) to come to my studio and started creating my own musical ‘Dune‘. I was totally fascinated by this monumental story of the desert planet und I read the books over and over again. About ‘Deus Arrakis‘ Klaus Schulze says: „On the one hand this album was created as spontaniously as all my albums before, on the other hand it has a special history: when I produced my eleventh album ‘Dune‘ in 1979 I already knew the ‘Dune‘ triology by Frank Herbert inside out like other people knew their ‘Lord of the Rings‘.

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